From owner-managed to industrial company with factory and sales analysis

Are you also dreaming of moving from being an owner-managed business to becoming an industrial company? Then a sales and factory analysis from Nicholaisen is the right tool.

Kenneth Bech Sørensen

Project manager +45 86 92 47 11

Moving from owner-led business to a professional industrial company was our customer's dream, but they could not manage to make a concrete plan for the transformation itself. They needed someone who could see things from the outside.

We therefore helped them with the plan to take the final step.

They could see that turnover was stable, but the coverage contribution had decreased and they did not know why.

We therefore analyzed the company's sales figures for the past 4 years to identify capacity needs and spot the evolution of the order composition, to know what needed to be taken into account going forward.

We then produced a factory analysis consisting of an efficiency measurement on all processes in production to understand the current efficiency and to prioritize the tasks for the company for the next 5 years.

Clear trends emerged in the sales figures and factory analysis. The order sizes were smaller and were composed of several item numbers. The end customer had minimized its own stocks, instead pressuring the supplier to deliver more often in smaller quantities with greater variation.

The customer was given a great overview of his own strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities for the next 5 years.

In addition, they had 5 potentials for the company with a short time horizon and 5 potentials for the company with a long time horizon. This gave the customer the opportunity to take the plunge to become an industrial company.

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In order for you to be sure to choose the right solution the first time for your production, you must choose a partner who gives you competent sparring through an open dialogue with a focus on building common values.

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  • Nicholaisen A/S
  • Sønderskovvej 17
  • 8362 Hørning
  • CVR: 19454770
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  • T +45 8692 4711