The right supplier provides the right solution

Do you also want to make sure that you invest in the best production solution? Why then be tied to one supplier when you can choose from a whole pallette of suppliers with their own areas of competence?  

Kenneth Bech Sørensen

Project manager +45 86 92 47 11

In connection with the establishment of a new line at a successful Danish packaging manufacturer, we were asked to deliver a "brain" to the line, which should be able to handle quality sorting at high speed on many parameters.

The customer placed high demands on the solution. Therefore, the usual suppliers quickly seemed inadequate.

We thoroughly scrutinized our supplier network and found a unique start-up company with the courage and competence to provide a state-of-the-art scanning solution.

This convinced both the customer and us that the risks of using them pale in comparison to what they promised to deliver.

The risk appetite paid off and the customer now has a system that can sort on 8 parameters in line, including; humidity, infrared, X-ray, color, knots and defects, and at speeds as high as 400m/min.

The project is an example of the possibilities of our supplier network, where you are not tied up with specific suppliers but instead the right suppliers.

This provides enormous flexibility and the ability to adapt projects to individual priorities – profitability, strategy, security, objectives, etc.

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In order for you to be sure to choose the right solution the first time for your production, you must choose a partner who gives you competent sparring through an open dialogue with a focus on building common values.

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  • Nicholaisen A/S
  • Sønderskovvej 17
  • 8362 Hørning
  • CVR: 19454770
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  • T +45 8692 4711